We are proud of what the PMC accomplished. Alejandra and her partner, Saby, began the PMC as a dream. Our first official event was to co-organize Healing Justice for Black Lives Matters. Since that time we have been involved in a range of frontline healing justice solidarity spaces, organized healing justice spaces at gatherings and for communities being targeted, held quarterly collective bodywork days, and brought people like Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarsinha, Mia Mingus, Eli Clare, Aurora Levins Morales, Cara Page, Jaime Grant and others to our space. The local and national landscape of healing justice is very different from when we first began.
While the PMC has closed, relationships will continue. We are excited for all the ways that our individual and collective work towards the healing in justice and the justice in healing will unfold. As our fabulous friend Autumn Brown named during our last days, we did not set out to build an institution but to support a movement. The movement continues.
In solidarity and with great care,
Alejandra, Ayo, Eiko, Griffen, Rebeka, Susan