Healing Justice and Healing:

Every molecule inside our bodies reflect those found outside us.
Reflections from the USSF by Susan Raffo and Cara Page
Reflections from Detroit: Transforming Wellness by Cara Page
Transformative Change by Cara Page
Just Healing by Tanuja Jugernauth
Communities of Care by Yashna Padamsee
Healing Justice is more than just words on a page by Twin Cities report interviewing healers of color
Healing Justice podcast held by Kate Werning
Embodied Liberation podcast held by Sage Hayes
Just healing resource site
Healing justice, history and why I still believe in liberation by Susan Raffo (Healing justice blog)
Healing Justice Autumn Brown’s site
the courage to heal: even thinking we can access “healing” is a big courageous act as oppressed people sometimes by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha
Roots, runners and rhyzomes: on health and healing justice
Lifting up legacy place and healing an interview with Cara Page
Where Does a Healer’s Anger GO?: Beyond Love and Light with Asali of Little Red Tarot
Self care and Black Intellectual Labor by Claire Garcia
Healing Justice is How We Can Sustain Black Lives by Prentiss Hemphill
Back to the Basics of Self Care by Ashley Young
The Commodification of Self Care and The Terrible Art of Relentless Self Love // Take Care Herbals
How We Heal From Sexual Violence Against The Queer Community // Jennifer Patterson, Aishah Shahidah Simmons, Ida Hammer, Jen LaBarbera and Keiko Lane
Touch One Another // Reina Gossett & Grace Dunham
The Return of the Pleasure Activist // Adrienne Maree Brown
The Erotics of Activism Alexis Pauline Gumbs
Models of doing healing justice and/or transformative justice work:
Bad Ass Visionary Healers
Generative Somatics
Movement Strategy Center publications
Kindred: A Southern healing justice collective
Harriet’s Apothecary
Chicago Healing Justice Network
Third Root Community Health Center
Healing Justice Center
Making spaces accessible/disability justice:
Questions and thoughts on how to make a space truly accessible by multiple authors
Making space accessible is an act of love by by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha
Re-envisioning the revolutionary body by Mia Mingus
The Medical Industrial Complex, Trauma & Anti-Violence Work:
Medical Industrial Complex Visual by Mia Mingus, Cara Page, and Patty Berne
Historical Trauma and Unresolved Grief: Implications for Clinical Research and Practice with Indigenous Peoples
of the Americas by Dr. Maria Yellow Horse Braveheart
Decolonizing Trauma // Andrea Smith
Truth is a Fire I Could Not Hold // Deb Rox
Intergenerational Trauma // Highlights from Panel with Agustina Vidal (The Icarus Project), Cara Page (Audre Lorde Project, Kindred Southern Healing Justice), Julia Bennett (Harriet’s Apothecary, Third Root Community Health Center), and Jes Kelley (Dismantling Racism Works) [Video]
Rape Culture Syllabus // Laura Ciolkowski
Alternative Health Care Systems
Sick Around the World //PBS 4 of 5 people in the U.S. say that the healthcare system needs to fundamentally change. This documentary looks at the UK, Japan, Germany, Switzerland, Taiwan, to see how other national health care systems are working better than ours.